
Come read about my third trip to Washington, D.C., and my competition in the 2013 Scripps National Spelling Bee!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Day Six: Another Trek Downtown

As I predicted, last night it was Arvind Mahankali who won the 2013 Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Um... yeah.  I ended up in a 10-way tie for 33rd.

Here is a link to a nice conclusive Herald Bulletin article about my time at the Bee.

Also, I encourage you, if you haven't already, to check out the Spelling Bee website and look at all of the neat things they have to offer about this week - for example, I believe you can take the actual Preliminaries test that we took now on their homepage.  Anyway, check it out.

Today was our "DC Tour" day.  So we were up and out of here at 8am and onto a bus.  It was mostly a driving tour, but we did stop and get out of the bus occasionally.

Arlington from the back side of the Lincoln Memorial
The Washington Monument, from the bus.  It's encased in a scaffolding - a recent earthquake damaged it a bit, so they're working on trying to fix it.
Korean War Memorial
Jefferson Memorial, from the bus
A National Park Service Mountie
Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall
On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
One of the pillars surrounding the World War II Memorial
So after we toured around for a bit, we got dropped off at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.  Don't have many pictures of that, sorry...

Tonight is the Awards Banquet - usually there's a special guest speaker, but I guess I'll have to save that for tomorrow night's post.

Tomorrow we're heading out of DC *sigh* and driving to Princeton, NJ before arriving home Sunday the 2nd of June.  And then we have to go to school!


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